Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Unlike last year when I nursed in the living room while everyone else ate the turkey I cooked, Molly obliged us this Thanksgiving by napping all through dinner. She was adorable and festive in her thanksgiving dress.

We then played outside in the 70 degree weather (yay for Louisana).

Molly also showed off her mad skills.

All in all, a great thanksgiving. :-)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Un-Coh= Picture

In my parent's entryway hang my brothers' and my high school portraits. Whenever Molly is leaving, my mom points out Uncle Ryan and Uncle Robert. About a week ago, Molly looked at the pictures and said "Un-Coh". So cute!

However, it has become apparent that Molly doesn't quite understand what an un-coh is. She will point at any picture in the house and say "un-coh". (This includes pictures of mommy, animals, and landscapes)

I'm reluctant to correct her, but I suppose I will have to.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The land of "No"

In the last week, Molly has finally started saying "No". I was not eagerly awaiting it or anything... I just thought she would have started saying it a long time ago.

For the most part, she just repeats when told "no". However, she will walk around the living room and touch or point at things she has learned are off limits and yell "NO!". I wonder if she thinks that's what they're called. This doesn't really stop her from getting into things, but hopefully it's a start. :-)

I expect that it will not be long before she starts to sing "no". I can't wait. ;-)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Snap facination gone too far...

Molly loves to snap things together. She will play with her high chair or car seat snaps for 30 minutes straight (or until she succeeds in snapping). She loves seat belts, suit cases, purses, and anything else that can be attached.

She is not good at detaching things... or so I thought.

This morning I went into her room to find her sitting bare-bottomed next to a steaming bear pile. Apparently, the diaper was just too easy to figure out. (She'd taken off her diaper once before, but I thought it was accidental... silly me) The mess wasn't too horrible (considerably better than several recent bath incidents). Thank goodness for pre-wash!

New Rule: Molly always goes to bed with a onsie with snaps and/or pants.

Friday, November 14, 2008

If you can't say anything nice...

Several weeks ago, it became apparent that Brian and I are need to watch what we say around Molly. She is a verbal sponge, and at 13 months old does her darned best to repeat anything she hears.

For example, I once dropped something and exclaimed "CRAP!". Molly looked at me intently, deliberately dropped her bottle, and yelled "AP"... o_O

She is saying and/or signing over 30 words now. (words she repeats don't count - she'd try to say nahyvspsdh if I said it...) She will say two word sentences now "More _____" (Usually more strawberry). I am amazed every day by what she understands and is able to articulate...

Tuesday night, she was squalling in her high chair after dinner. As I was washing her off, I realized that she was repeating "Ba Ba Ba". I looked more carefully, and realized she was signing "Bath" as well. I took her out of her chair and she toddled into the bathroom while saying "ba ba ba". The fact that the baby knew she was dirty and wanted to be clean is funny. :-p The fact that she decided that on her own and was able to tell me is wonderful.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Why Blog?

This blog will chronicle the many hilarious happenings at the Sullivan household.

I've come to the realization that I can barely keep up with Molly and all the crazy, funny, and amazing things she does. As a friend recently pointed out, one day I'm going to wake up and she will be 14. I'll want to embarrass her then, so I need to write it down now.

This blog will update whenever Molly (or future Sulli-Babies) does anything worth writing about. This may be once a week, or several times a day. We'll see :-)