Monday, January 26, 2009
A few cute stories
Monday, January 19, 2009
Tantrum level - 20%
When she is told "no" or removed from the location where she desires to be, she will stiffen, carefully sit/lie down, and proceed to wail.
As this has only happened at home, I just walk away. When she realizes I'm not paying attention, she stops, follows me, and will usually ask for what she wants.
What a faker!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Busy Girl
Molly loves phones. When she started crawling, the pinnacle of motivation was a cell phone in the middle of the floor. Yesterday, we were reading Big Dog Little Dog. When she saw the dogs calling each other on the phone, she grabbed the book, held it up to her ear and said "Hello". As you will see, she has decided that many things are phones...
Molly has enjoyed Peek-a-Boo for a long time, but she didn't start initiating it until she saw a baby at the Portland airport doing it. Sometimes, you don't even have to cover your eyes.
Molly loves to read. She will sit next to one of her bookshelves and pull out each and every book. This can take up to 20 minutes because she actually looks at them. Of course she prefers that mommy or daddy read. Lately though, she's started chiming in...
I love my busy baby. :-)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Christmas - Part 2
On Monday the 22:
- Walked to the store in many feet of snow to get clean clothes and other sundries that were not packed in our carryons. Molly of course had a weeks worth of clothes. She's such a good packer.
- Were rescued by my Uncle Scott who braved great peril to drive up from Portland. 8 people, 10+bags, a medium sized SUV, 6 hours in the car on icy roads. Super Fun.
- Arrived safely in Portland.
- Had a snowball fight.
- Welcomed Uncle Bob and fam into the fold. This meant 16 people in a house that was not meant to sleep 16.
On Tuesday the 23:
- Walked to the store in even more feet of snow to get groceries and more clothes. 16 people eat a lot.
- Stored food in the snow.
- Took cute pictures of Molly in the snow.
- Shelled crab.
- Planned to leave the next morning and drive to Boise.
Molly was not sure what to think of the snow. She said/signed "Cold" and I eventually explaned to her that it was snow. By the end of the trip, she was running around yelling and signing "Snow". :-)
On Wednesday the 24:
- Did not drive to Boise. Highway 84 was just not safe.
- Made homemade pizza for Chrismas Eve. Fancy!
- Decided that Molly and I would fly to Bosie Christmas Day. This was decided after about half of the residents went to bed, so they were rather surprised when we weren't there the next morning.
On Christmas Day:
- Flew to Boise. (Molly and I) Great Grandpa and Grandma felt it was a fabulous Christmas gift.
On Friday the 26:
- Everyone else made it to Boise.
We celebrated Christmas late, but it was still wonderful. All agreed it was the best visit we'd had in years.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Christmas = Crazy Day 1
and this.