Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sicky Sulli-Baby

We are normally blessed with a very healthy baby. Molly has had a total of two colds in her life, and we are very grateful.

The current cold (#2) has arrived at a rather bad time. We will be flying to my grandparents soon, and I shudder to think about what the pressure is going to do to her ears. I'm not looking forward to the 4 hour flight from Dallas to Seattle. Hopefully she will take a nap!

Three days ago, Molly woke up with a cough. She is now sicker than she's ever been. Two nights ago, she woke up after being asleep for 2 hours and I held her for about 30 minutes. She actually relaxed against me and snuggled. She's not done that since she started crawling. It's not that she doesn't like affection: she is just a busy girl. That she decided to cuddle just showed me how bad she felt.

Molly woke up extra early this morning (she has a bad cough and is not sleeping well). She is not a fussy baby, and if she's crying she'll almost always tell me what's wrong. However, after she got up today she proceeded to cry for about an hour. She wouldn't drink her milk, didn't want books, and didn't want to be held. I wish she had gone back to sleep, but she stayed up until her normal nap time. I got her to eat some breakfast and gave her a bath because she is very snotty and slimy right now. I don't know where all the fluid is coming from, but I'm trying to keep her hydrated...

Say a little prayer for Molly today. And add Brian and me in there if you don't mind... we're both feeling a bit iffy, and although grownups don't cry when their ears hurt on planes, that doesn't mean it feels good!

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