It was not at all what we planned, but our Christmas trip was wonderful. And by wonderful I mean exactly like a cheesy Holiday movie.
The three of us left for Dallas late Friday night so we could visit with Brian's mom before we went to Idaho. We had a short, but lovely visit and made it to the Airport precisely 2 1/2 hours before our flight Sunday.
Brian, Molly and I were all very very sick with sinus and ear infections. That made every thing that happened... extra fun.
As we unloaded, we realized that we'd forgotten our stoller. Although this means one less thing to wrestle on the plane, it also means much more wrestling of the baby.
The Alaska desk was (of course) closed. Apparently they don't open until noon. And since Brian and I decided to check a bag we had to wait for over an hour. (We could have easily just done carry-ons, but we didn't want to haul 2 carryons, two personal items, a stroller, and a 14 month old.) Next time, there will be no checked bag.
We finally made it to the gate and proceeded to wait for 5 hours. For those that don't remember, Washington and Oregon were hit by a bugger of a winter storm a couple days before Christmas. Where was our flight going? Seattle.
After a couple hours, my mom got a text that our connecting flight (Seattle->Boise) had been cancelled. Still we sat, hoping that we could get to Seattle and go standby. Finally, after nearly six hours we boarded the plane. Then they said there was a possible fuel leak. Luckily (loose use of that word) there was an off duty mechanic on board who got off and helped get the plane ready to go.
The only reason we even made it to Seattle that day was because the pilot and crew were based there and really wanted to make it home. They knew that if the flight was canceled they wouldn't be able to get home until after Christmas.
When we landed in Seattle, I understood why. I've traveled a lot, but that was by far the worst landing condition I've ever seen. It took us forever to taxi beucase the plane was having trouble getting over the ice and snow drifts. Picture that.
Once we were in the airport, we realized that all normal methods of leaving the airport (plane, car, bus, taxi) were not going to happen. The airport was closed, all rental cars were rented, buses were not running, taxi's were booked. My dad (I am not kidding) calls a limo.
We ride to a hotel about 30 minutes away (closest hotel that was not booked) in a stretch Hummer limo. We get to bed at about 2:00 AM.
I leave you with this...

and this.

More to come soon. I need to get pictures off Ryan and my mom's cameras.