It's been far too long since the last post. Little miss has been up to so much!
Molly loves to color. She also likes to chew on crayons. This is a constant struggle :-p She will sit and color for half an hour, but I pretty much have to sit and watch her like a hawk. I have a half eaten box of crayons to attest to her love of coloring! She will ask for it by saying/signing "color" or by saying "purple". Not sure why she decided on that particular color.
Molly loves to swing. She will go to the back door and say/sign swing several times a day. She doesn't understand that we don't swing when it's cold, rainy or dark. It is a source of great frustration for her. She has also started saying bye to the swing every time we go inside. I love hearing "bye bye swing". So cute!
Molly loves her bath. Earlier today when we were cleaning up after an unauthoried toilet exploration incident, she took a nice warm bath. She asks for baths often, and has started saying "all done" when she is tired of the water. Today, she said "dry" when I picked her up to try her off. I still had a towel wrapped around my head. She looked at it and said "hat". I got a little hand towel and put it on her head. She was pleased.
Molly is talking so much. It's pretty funny what she decides to pick up. "Come here" and "There you go" are hilarious to me. She says them as one word.
I'll try to write more this weekend. I leave you with a picture of Molly's Blue Steel face.

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